ASHE has become a woke joke

A colleague sent this to me. They searched the latest Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) conference program for the following terms, to see how many sessions came up:

qualitative = 74
identity = 69
diversity = 46
inclusion = 27
oppress = 23
critical race = 22
privilege = 21
quantitative = 19
student affairs = 16
consciousness = 15
social justice = 13
regression = 13
white supremacy = 9
propensity score = 6
logistic regression = 4
regression discontinuity = 3
quasi-experimental = 3
econometric = 1
event history = 1
instrumental variables = 0
fixed effects = 0
difference in differences = 0
hierarchical linear = 0
quantile = 0
multinomial logistic = 0

I prefer conferences where 1) the attendees and presenters are smarter than me and 2) I constantly learn new things. That’s why I stopped attending ASHE several years ago and switched to AEFP.




By Stephen

About me

Professor and quant guy. Libertarian turned populist Republican. Trying to learn Japanese and play Spanish Baroque music on the ukulele.

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