A colleague sent this to me. They searched the latest Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) conference program for the following terms, to see how many sessions came up:
qualitative = 74
identity = 69
diversity = 46
inclusion = 27
oppress = 23
critical race = 22
privilege = 21
quantitative = 19
student affairs = 16
consciousness = 15
social justice = 13
regression = 13
white supremacy = 9
propensity score = 6
logistic regression = 4
regression discontinuity = 3
quasi-experimental = 3
econometric = 1
event history = 1
instrumental variables = 0
fixed effects = 0
difference in differences = 0
hierarchical linear = 0
quantile = 0
multinomial logistic = 0
I prefer conferences where 1) the attendees and presenters are smarter than me and 2) I constantly learn new things. That’s why I stopped attending ASHE several years ago and switched to AEFP.