- An analysis of the effects of North Carolina’s Opportunity Scholarship Program on student achievement, AERA Open, 2020
- Do student conduct administrators discriminate against Black students? An analysis of drug sanctions using vignettes, Review of Higher Education, 2019
- Understanding student self-reports of academic performance and course-taking behavior, AERA Open, 2017
- The development and validation of the Instructional Practices Log in Science (IPL-S): A measure of K-5 science instruction, International Journal of Science Education, 2017
- Strategic use of FAFSA list information by colleges, Research in Higher Education, 2017
- Competency-based education and federal student aid, Journal of Student Financial Aid, 2016
- Quantile regression: Analyzing changes in distributions instead of means, Handbook of Higher Education, 2015
- Self-reported learning gains: A theory and test of college student survey response, Research in Higher Education, 2013
- The causal effect of faculty unions on institutional decision-making, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 2013
- Do college student surveys have any validity?, Review of Higher Education, 2011
- The validity of student engagement survey questions: Can we accurately measure academic challenge?, New Directions for Institutional Research, 2011
- Pay inequities for recently hired faculty, 1988-2004, Review of Higher Education, 2008
- Mixed mode contacts in web surveys: Paper is not necessarily better, Public Opinion Quarterly, 2007
- The effect of alcohol use on student engagement, Journal of College Student Development, 2007
- A closer look at faculty service: What affects participation on committees?, Journal of Higher Education, 2007
- Writing and publishing a research paper in a peer-reviewed journal, Journal of Applied Research in the Community College, 2007
- Student survey response rates across institutions: Why do they vary?, Research in Higher Education, 2006
- Understanding how first-year seminars affect persistence, Research in Higher Education, 2006
- Institutional structures and engagement, Research in Higher Education, 2006
- Institutional research productivity and the connection to average student quality and overall reputation, Economics of Education Review, 2006
- College major choice: An analysis of person–environment fit, Research in Higher Education, 2006
- Email subject lines and their effect on web survey viewing and response, Social Science Computer Review, 2005
- Non-response in student surveys: The role of demographics, engagement and personality, Research in Higher Education, 2005
- Email contacts: A test of complex graphical designs in survey research, Social Science Computer Review, 2004
- Multiple surveys of students and survey fatigue, New Directions for Institutional Research, 2004
- The impact of contact type on web survey response rates, Public Opinion Quarterly, 2003
- The impact of lottery incentives on student survey response rates, Research in Higher Education, 2003
- Using publication counts to measure an institution’s research productivity, Research in Higher Education, 2003
- How do academic departments impact student satisfaction? Understanding the contextual effects of departments, Research in Higher Education, 2002
- The robustness of the graduation rate performance indicator used in the U.S. News & World Report college rankings, International Journal of Educational Advancement, 2000