Keisuke Honda, our host, took us to a great seafood restaurant in Tachikawa. I forgot to get the name, but it was fantastic.
Japan 2019: Nagoya
We managed to find a great restaurant in Tokyo Station, located above Kitchen Street, outside the Yaesu North Gate. They have computer terminals at each table that you use to order dishes and drinks.
ISM and IHE meeting
Just spent last week with some colleagues from the Institute of Statistical Mathematics. We were hosted by the Institute of Higher Education in Athens, due to their recent signing of an MOU with ISM. I’ve been involved with some projects with the ISM folks, and we met to discuss collaborative research projects on faculty productivity and citation data. Thanks to Libby Morris and Rob...
Japan trip: Kyoto nightlife
Japan trip: Doshisha University in Kyoto
Japan trip: Kyoto during the day