Woke Joke Part 8: Supreme Court passes

I’ve been so involved in the Poe Hall scandal that I forgot to post that the Supreme Court, not surprisingly, declined to hear my case against NC State; they only take on a handful of cases each year. So this means my case will *not* move forward to trial. [UPDATE: I was in a rush to get this out, and left out the important “not” in that sentence when I first posted this. :)]

I was discussing my case a while back with a prominent free speech attorney, who pointed out how important it was that all of us who are targeted fought back, even if only some of us are ultimately successful. Hence my determination to fight to the bitter end.

The Carolina Journal has a good summary of the case. The James Martin Center has a nice discussion of what’s really happened in my situation and those of other scholars:

What is “collegiality,” and what do universities need to do to establish it? Radical academics and administrators in higher education are now using “lack of collegiality” as a pretext to abrogate academic freedom or fire professors, regardless of tenure. The latest examples include Matthew Garrett at Bakersfield College, Scott Gerber at Ohio Northern University, Stephen Porter at North Carolina State University, and Amy Wax at the University of Pennsylvania.

National Association of Scholars president Peter Wood writes that, in each of these four cases, “the university tried (sometimes successfully) to rid itself of a faculty member not for any academic shortcoming or for violating any law, but for espousing opinions that the administration disagreed with. […] All four cases had to do with a university’s determination to bulldoze faculty and students into compliance with a particular view of race, and how higher education should handle racial disparities.


Previous posts about my case:

Woke Joke Part 7: On to the Supreme Court
Woke Joke Part 6: Appeal of the motion to dismiss
Woke Joke Part 5: Lost the motion to dismiss
Woke Joke Part 4: Final motions filed
Woke Joke Part 3: Our response to NCSU’s Motion to Dismiss
Woke Joke Part 2: NCSU responds to lawsuit
Woke Joke Part 1: When the woke mob comes for you, stand up and fight back!

By Stephen

About me

Professor and quant guy. Libertarian turned populist Republican. Trying to learn Japanese and play Spanish Baroque music on the ukulele.

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