IES is funding four research methods training programs that are holding workshops this summer. These workshops support the training of current education researchers to expand and upgrade their methodological skills. Participants include individuals located in colleges and universities, state and local education agencies, education-focused organizations, and companies that have developed and deployed education-related products and services. The four training workshops include the following:
Cluster-Randomized Trials: This program provides training on carrying out rigorous evaluations of the impact of education interventions including planning, implementing, and analyzing data for cluster-randomized trials randomized experiments.
- Training dates: June 20 – 30, 2022.
- Applications due: March 18, 2022.
Economic Analysis: This program will hold two workshops: a 3-day training and a 5-day training.
- Training Dates: July 6-8, 2022 designed for state and local analysts who support significant policy decisions and the allocation of educational resources within and across districts.
- Training Dates: July 11-15, 2022 designed for education researchers who are undertaking or planning to undertake cost-effectiveness and benefit-cost analyses in education.
- Applications due: March 31, 2022, at noon, Eastern Time.
Meta-analysis: This program will train researchers in state-of-the-art meta-analytic techniques.
- Training dates: July 24-30, 2022.
- Applications due: March 31, 2022.
Evidence-based Intervention Training for Education: This program trains teams (2-6 people) on the use of Evidence-based interventions in school/educational settings. The teams may come from the same school or district and include research partners.
- Training Dates: June 21-24, 2022 and follow-up coaching is provided during the academic year
- Applications due: April 15, 2022.